‘On-Field’ Sports Injury Rehab and Return to Performance

Resolving injuries to return you to activity is just the starting point. The ultimate goal is to get you back to your best and make you resilient against future injury. Return to performance also means resolving whatever niggles are presently hampering you so that you can perform at your best.

solving the Sports injury puzzle

How can we get you back better than ever, and future-proof you against further injury?


injury troubleshooting

At the root of persistent injuries inevitably lies a mechanical issue. Altered function and compensatory changes in motor patterns are also part of the cascade that follows an injury. Once again these secondary issues affect our mechanics when we run, jump, throw, and perform whatever activity is involved in our sport.

The frustrating part is that, despite treatment and diligent rehabilitation, these injuries tend to recur. This perhaps should not be a surprise - after all the original mechanical issues remain, and others tend to arise. To add insult, we often find new issues and symptoms increasingly affect other joints and even the healthy side.

addressing the root cause

A crucial missing piece in solving the puzzle and breaking the cycle is to resolve what are the mechanical origins of the original injury. In turn we can identify the cascade of altered mechanics and compensatory changes that coincide with persistent injury.

effecting change to break the cycle

What makes the difference is access to expertise to first identify root causes and secondary effects, and then provide the tools to address these issues. What is equally important is that this information and coaching input is delivered in way that resonates, so that we can effect lasting change. It is this rare combination that ultimately enables a successful return to performing, particularly when coupled with guidance on physical preparation to restore function and strengthen tissues.

Athlete Development

Athletic Preparation