
Weekly Reflections: The Necessities of Preparation for Young Female Athletes

Weekly Reflections: The Necessities of Preparation for Young Female Athletes

Since the world athletics championships came to a close last weekend I found myself with some attention capacity to spare over the past week. This led me to realise it had turned distinctly chilly outside. Despite the chill in the air, it has been a productive week. Sophie, the poster girl for the Develop stream who regular readers have met previously, had the dubious pleasure of seeing me more than usual this week, as we hit the gym to revise her strength training plan, in addition to her regular movement session at the track. I also met Sophie’s grandfather, who came along to the track and after the session asked me the question ‘do girls run differently than boys?’. My answer was, ‘yes - if we are not careful’. Which leads me to the theme of this week’s post: the unique requirements and necessity of preparation for young female athletes.