
Weekly Reflections: Managing Injury and Return to Performance

Weekly Reflections: Managing Injury and Return to Performance

After a week’s hiatus for some rest and recuperation, coinciding with a trip to Europe, we return with our regular update from the Prepared Athlete Training and Health project. Following recent events, a post on the theme of injury management and return to performance seemed apt. It is also always helpful to articulate what role and functions I fulfill in this space. As a sports medicine physician I met up with this week remarked, ‘it must be a confusing for some people, as you are not a (medical) doctor or a physio’. Indeed my wife also asked this week what I call what I do in this space, as she was having a hard time explaining it to a friend of hers. So in this week’s offering I will attempt to clarify those questions as we outline the process and rationale for working with injured athletes and preparing them to return to performing.

Weekly Reflections: Building Relationships and Collaboration

Weekly Reflections: Building Relationships and Collaboration

The response to last week’s first instalment has been positive, so that seemed to merit sharing another update. As I rode in the rain on my way back from coaching this morning I pondered what I should share this week, in between marvelling at how many drivers in Vancouver apparently have no grasp of how roundabouts work. The chosen theme this week is relationships and collaboration.

Prologue: The What and the Why...

Prologue: The What and the Why...

As we embark on this fledgling venture, it seems a good time to articulate the ‘why’ behind Prepared Athlete Training & Health, and equally importantly the ‘what’. Why have we chosen this path (pun intended), and why now? We will also share the purpose of this initiative, and elucidate practically what it is we aim offer to the different types of clientele we are seeking to serve. Finally, whilst the Origin Story outlines the journey that has taken us to this point, given this is an endeavour for humans by humans, this post also aims to capture some of that story from a more personal perspective.