
Learning to Take Responsibility

Learning to Take Responsibility

A recent instalment of the Prepared Blog spoke about the transition into the teenage years as a key window where young performers start to become equipped and amenable to taking greater ownership. In the realms of coaching it is often advocated that we should place the performer at the centre of things. Like many others I have written about autonomy being an important objective in the coaching process. Clearly this does however place some onus on the performer. So what exactly do we require from the performer themselves in order to make it all viable?

Whilst this is primarily written in the context of young performers, these themes are equally applicable to performers of any age. To some degree we are all on this journey!

What You See Is Not All There Is...

What You See Is Not All There Is...

To explain the title, one of the most common cognitive biases in how we see the world is encapsulated as ‘what you see is all there is’. In other words, we have a tendency to overlook what is not immediately visible or obvious. We tend to assume that the elements we see in front of us are the only aspects at play. We are slow to consider that there might be additional unseen factors at work that might lead us to an alternative explanation for what we are seeing.

The Opportunity of Early Adolescence with Young Performers

The Opportunity of Early Adolescence with Young Performers

Without doubt a unique opportunity to have a profound impact and see dramatic changes presents itself as young performers enter the adolescent years. The theme for this latest offering is this overlooked but crucial phase in the development of young athletes.

As most who read this will already be well aware, there are fertile windows of development in the childhood years. It is widely recognised that young kids are a sponge for learning and acquiring cognitive and motor skills, including language. What is less known is that there is similarly a distinct window of development that coincides with the transition from childhood to adolescence.

Weekly Reflections: Adversity as Opportunity

Weekly Reflections: Adversity as Opportunity

The topic for this latest offering was inspired by a parent of a young athlete I have the privilege of working with. The parent in question greatly impressed me with how they chose to respond to a recent setback, which included declining my offer to intervene on her daughter’s behalf. We generally think of times of adversity and setbacks as at best something to be endured (under duress). Our natural inclination is to steer clear of difficulties, and our urge is to shield those we care about from potential upset. However, as the parent in question intuitively understood, going through these difficult experiences is in fact vital to our mission.

Weekly Reflections: Go Armed with Questions..

Weekly Reflections: Go Armed with Questions..

The theme for this week’s offering is the need to go armed with the right questions when working with a coach or practitioner of any kind (the credit for this idea goes to a former colleague of mine who had the dubious pleasure of being my line manager). There are numerous steps and a host of pertinent questions when we embark on the search to assemble the best team of professionals to provide guidance, assistance, and support for our chosen mission.

Weekly Reflections: Building Relationships and Collaboration

Weekly Reflections: Building Relationships and Collaboration

The response to last week’s first instalment has been positive, so that seemed to merit sharing another update. As I rode in the rain on my way back from coaching this morning I pondered what I should share this week, in between marvelling at how many drivers in Vancouver apparently have no grasp of how roundabouts work. The chosen theme this week is relationships and collaboration.