
Weekly Reflections: Go Armed with Questions..

Weekly Reflections: Go Armed with Questions..

The theme for this week’s offering is the need to go armed with the right questions when working with a coach or practitioner of any kind (the credit for this idea goes to a former colleague of mine who had the dubious pleasure of being my line manager). There are numerous steps and a host of pertinent questions when we embark on the search to assemble the best team of professionals to provide guidance, assistance, and support for our chosen mission.

Weekly Reflections: Building Relationships and Collaboration

Weekly Reflections: Building Relationships and Collaboration

The response to last week’s first instalment has been positive, so that seemed to merit sharing another update. As I rode in the rain on my way back from coaching this morning I pondered what I should share this week, in between marvelling at how many drivers in Vancouver apparently have no grasp of how roundabouts work. The chosen theme this week is relationships and collaboration.

Weekly Reflections - First Instalment

Weekly Reflections - First Instalment

Following on from the Prologue we shared, welcome to the first of perhaps many regular instalments reflecting on the week’s coaching and updating on the Prepared Athlete Training and Health project.