
The power of having somebody believe for a young performer

The power of having somebody believe for a young performer

A recurring theme in the stories of young performers who become successful is the presence of a central character who comes onto the scene and proves to be pivotal in how the tale unfolds. The dramatic influence that a single individual can have on the trajectory of a young performer is remarkable. It only takes one person to indicate their belief that the performer has potential in order for that individual to conceive what might be possible. Having a grown up treat you like you could be exceptional is a tremendously powerful thing for a young performer.

Weekly Reflections: Go Armed with Questions..

Weekly Reflections: Go Armed with Questions..

The theme for this week’s offering is the need to go armed with the right questions when working with a coach or practitioner of any kind (the credit for this idea goes to a former colleague of mine who had the dubious pleasure of being my line manager). There are numerous steps and a host of pertinent questions when we embark on the search to assemble the best team of professionals to provide guidance, assistance, and support for our chosen mission.